Playing catch up
Hi blog so where to begin but that's always the same old same old, right?
Well yesterday my friend Skip called me from the cattle auction in Truro to ask me about a stallion that Matthew Hornbrook had up in N.B.
As it happened that is the fellow that I went up to see and Skip thought maybe I would know the horse but no I didn't.
Skip's uncle Richard bought the horse and brought him down and left him at Skip's place.
I called Skip this morning and asked him if he had the horse and he did so I went over to see now I gotta tell yah that was worth seeing if you like horses and it does seem that I do.
This horse is massive a good 18 hands high and 1900 lbs at least as a matter of fact the man that Righard got him from weighed the horse and he tipped the scales at 1975 lbs.
He is chocolate brown has a white blase down his face and as handsome a horse as you would want to lay little googlers on.
Now that is an unusual colour for a registered Percheron as they usually come it black with grey being the predominant colour and chestnut as an occasional option not as if we had a choice or anything.
I lead him out into the indoor ring there and tied him to a post and stood beside him and no doubt about it he is a massive fellow.
I went and with Skip's permission got a 28 inch collar and put it on him and he filled it chaulk full and it takes alot of horse to fill a 28 inch coller as most of you would know.
I stayed too long and so when I got back here it was 12 noon and time to turn my horses out so I didn't get any horses worked today but there is always tomorrow the LORD willing.
This aft I worked on the backhoe as the old thing isn't charging and I had to remove the alternator and it took me most of the aft to get it off the machine even though I had it unbolted quite quickly but couldn't get it out by the loaded arm that was in the way but after twisting it every way possible it finally found it's way out of the hole and I didn't even get mad once which when I think of it is quite amazing for me hot tempered scots man that I am and all.
Mary and I just had supper we had smoked fillets mashed potatoes carrots pickles etc and it was very good.
So my tummy is full and I am happy as a clam.
Monday I hope to take the alternator up to a garage up the road and see what is wrong with it so will see if I can remember to let you know how that turns out.
Labels: Enough for today
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