Monday, December 8, 2008

Beautiful Snow.

Hello there Mr. Blog it is about 1 thirty Monday afternoon and I just had lunch because I was late comibg in from the barn.
I guess I should give you the low down of the whole morning as it unfolded from my perspective anyway.
I got up at around 6 and went to the barn fed the horses and as I have had this ear ache for the last 4 or 5 days I decided to go back to bed so that is precisely what I did.
I woke at about 8 and managed to crawl out at 8:08 as Mary was already up you see I had made the furnace on when I first got up and she had put wood in when she got up so I was nice and warm when I came down to have my breakfast.
I boiled two eggs and a piece of toast and then I was ready to go out to the barn.
As you recall Mr. Blog I have been cutting wood in the wood while there wasn't and snow on the ground so I do have quite a little bit to bring out on tge sleds.
So harnessed Fabie and Veronica and my oh my how good they are to use now there was a little trouble when I went to put them over the pole of the sleds because Veronica had to stand up on a bit of a side hill but a little coaxing and we were on our way to the woods and you would not believe how terrifically beautiful it is in the woods with the trees laden down with the snow there was a few places that they had to duck threw the trees that were hanging over the road way.
When we pulled up to the pile of wood to load I don't think we could have gone any further so I removed branches that were on the way and bent some trees back to allow us our way through.
I loaded the sleds right up with the hard wood that was there as you recall that was the tree that I cut earlier this spring and had split it up last friday.
I figured since the sleds are 5 feet between the side racks and 16 feet long a foot deep that I had about 2/3 of a cord of hard wood on well the girls had to get at it to move it and the road is twistie until we got out to the main road and I stopped to top the load up just before we come out to the field you know where I mean just after we cross the brook.
And that is another thing Veronica is walking in the water and doesn't mind plunging into the brook with out a moments hesitation so I am quite proud of her right now.
I said that the more I use that big mare the more I like her she has a normal instinct about how to get at a heavy load when it is needed of her.
I brought the load out behind the house so want to start getting that in this aft.
It will dry out and should be good to burn by Jan of Feb.
I unharnessed mares and came in to see Mary for a few minutes and bragg about them beautiful mares.
I harnessed Mazie and Dancer and ground drove them around single each and drug a piece of wood around behind them that didn't seem to mind that so I am incouraged about them also but I do have to remember to just go slow and make sure that they don't get scared of any thing that we are doing so soon should beable to put them together as a team and have some fun with them in the snow.
The snow is so good for starting young horses because anwthing that can be drug behind A horse is good to go in the snow I'm a poet and don't know it well yot know the rest of that without me going avy further.
So that is why it was 1 thirty when I got in to have something to eat so I am going back out now and play in the snow.
I might seem like work to you but it is all in the state of mind that a person lets himself be in right thought you would know what I was talking bout.



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