Ruby not Rose huh.
Morning Blog.
Well that's the funniest thing because when Brian Hatfield called me to tell me that Rose was pregnant I was completely amazed because the vet as you recall in previous discourse had taken care of that as we thought.
So he lands here with what I thought was Rose and Roger Gammon with him says it isn't rose that it is Ruby that is pregnant.
When the vet palpated the mares to see if they had babies in them he said that Rose was with child and Ruby was open so we gave Rose estramate 5 cc a day for seven days and that was supposed to made her eject the foal.
Well Hatfield on the phone was saying it was Rose and not Ruby that would stand to reason as we hadn't estromated Ruby so if there was a baby in there it would still be in there wouldn't it.
So now I have Ruby in the barn and he took Pete with him to use inb he stead hyope Pete works out for him because he said that if he does he might but him and that would suit me like they say right down to the ground.
I just came in from the barn and I put Ruby beside Dancer and you know they will make quite a good looking team together.
We will have to see won't we because I have to get harness scrounged up for Ruby and keep working with Dancer to get him so he doesn't get too upset and hurt himself or someone else namely me right.
I came in from the barn and got right on this thing so I could tell you this beautiful story and I didn't make on the fire in the furnace and I think I had better go down and get the fire going as I'm humped over this thing here trying to keep warm I was thinking too bad I can't wear gloves or mittens while I am on this thing.
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